Hello! I'm Griffin, a fullstack Javascript developer based in New York City. In the last several months, I've worked on some projects, mostly using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node). I have also used technologies such as MySQL, Grunt, Firebase, and SocketIO in those projects and others.
I enjoy strategy board games such as 7 Wonders, Dominion, and Carcassonne, as well as science fiction and fantasy, mythology, trivia competitions, and theology. I'm also a musician who plays multiple instruments (primarily cello and guitar), and have both played and sung in many groups over the years.
Fullstack Academy's in-house teaching application
- Integrated tracking for pair programming groups and implemented an algorithm to optimize pair generation
- Created a system for database migrations using db-migrate and the MongoDB driver
Board Gamr
A board game recommendation app that generates suggestions based on user preferences and shared game mechanics
- Styled interface with Material Design elements
Phones Against Humanity
An online version of Cards Against Humanity, built with Angular, Node, Express, MongoDB, and SocketIO
- Used cookies to support automatic rejoining upon disconnection
- Communicated real-time updates to all players using sockets
- Interfaced with the Twilio API to send text message invites to games
- Abstracted out platform elements common to many different games with AngularJS factories and directives
The Know York Times News Quiz
A web app that can generate a curated true/false quiz based on the day's New York Times articles
- Interfaced with the NYTimes API to get the day's articles and associated images and snippets
- Won Best Use of a NYTimes API at TimesOpen Hack Day 2014
A demo ecommerce site with credit card processing and emailed redeemable codes
- Stored persistant guest cart information using cookies
- Designed database models with automatic data validations using Mongoose
Princeton University
A.B., Computer Science (2011)
Independent Work:
- Who Wants to be an A+ Student? (Web Review Game)
- Virtual Tour Guide Application for Android Phones (Senior Thesis)
Fullstack Academy of Code
Web Development Immersive (2015)
An intensive course that focuses on the MEAN stack: MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node
Georgia Institute of Technology
M.S., Computer Science (Expected 2021)
Sample Coursework:
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Computer Networks